In September 2020, HUD published the Final Rule on Section 3 requirements. Between regular allocations and COVID response over the last year, state and local agencies like yours have been pulled in myriad directions and may still be working to understand and incorporate the new Section 3 rule.

Guidance & Best Practices for Implementation


August 27, 2021 at 12:00pm-2:00pm (CST)

This event has passed, but you can view the full webinar recording by clicking below.

Webinar Recording

Join Civix’s Community Planning & Resilience team to find out what’s new under Section 3 and what to do next. In this webinar, we review the key changes, unpack what these updates mean for your programs, subrecipients, and contractors, and offer insights on what your department should prioritize now that the new rule is in effect to ensure you remain in compliance with Section 3 requirements.

Key takeaways 

  • Understand new definitions and goals for Section 3 workers 
  • Familiarize yourself with new outcome benchmarks and reporting processes 
  • Gain insight on how to incorporate the final rule into programmatic and administrative processes, from bid documents to contracts to recordkeeping 
  • Learn additional methods of informing grant and program stakeholders of Section 3 initiatives    
  • Receive a roadmap to help your team manage this transition   

If you have questions about the Section 3 Final Rule webinar, please contact [email protected].


From Our Team of Experts