Our specialists provide expert guidance and proven solutions to ensure compliance with complex regulatory requirements.
Avoid the Loss of Critical Funds
We bring 40 years of experience successfully implementing complex, multi-year projects that often involve multiple organizations and competing deadlines requiring close management. We know the complex regulatory landscape and how to speed up implementation while keeping clients from making costly mistakes.

Save Time and Money
Given the challenging and complex nature of the regulations governing federal grants, it’s critical you partner with a team that knows effective compliance strategies. Not only can Civix make your job easier and less stressful, we can help ensure the community depending on you avoids loss of critical grant funds – and that you’re not on the hook for clawback of monies already spent.
Unmatched Experience and Tools
Civix is your trusted partner and experienced guide across the entire landscape of federal grants management. Whether it’s working to recover from disasters, building critical capital projects, revitalizing neighborhoods or planning a better future, we’re here to help ensure your success.
We know the regulations like the back of our hand
With over 40 years and $200B in grants under our belt, when it comes to regulatory compliance, we’ve been there and done that.
Related Services
Ready, Compliant, Effective Grants Management Services
In addition to our technology, Civix provides agencies with unparalleled interdisciplinary expertise to recover from disasters and build safer, stronger communities.
Disaster Recovery Grants Management & Closeout
Expert guidance through every facet of grant management
Housing Services
Design and implementation of programs serving communities’ most vulnerable citizens
Long-Term Recovery Support
The necessary capacity, experience, and expertise for successful long-term recovery projects
Program Management
Design, implementation, and oversight of disaster recovery and community development programs
Project Management
Proven experience and solutions for effective full lifecycle project management
Technical Advisory Services
Technical assistance to ensure quick and confident implementation of complex projects
Related Software
Technology to Match Our Expertise
EM Grants Manager
The only grant management tool designed specifically for state Emergency Management agencies
Program Manager
A complete end-to-end solution for managing the disbursement of grant funds
Recovery Portal
A web-based application that aggregates federal funding sources into related areas and provides real-time data and impactful visuals
How can we help?
Contact our team today to learn more about our products and services for your industry.