HUD CDBG-DR Problem Solving Clinic
Civix CDBG-DR experts will be participating in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Problem Solving Clinic next week in Chicago and virtually.
The CDBG-DR Problem Solving Clinic is an opportunity for grantees and subrecipients to work directly with HUD staff and receive technical assistance to address issues related to the implementation of CDBG-DR and CDBG-MIT programs. The clinic provides a forum for participants to ask questions, share best practices, and learn from the experiences of others.
Civix’s team will participate in sessions including CDBG-DR fundamentals, covering the basics of CDBG-DR action plans, certifications and program launch, best practices in contract management, managing administrative funds and financial management, and a federal partner discussion covering ways that federal agencies can collaborate on disaster recovery programming.
Civix’s CDBG-DR subject matter experts are go-to resources for new and seasoned disaster recovery grantees. Our team provides technical assistance through HUD’s Community Compass Program and grant management and planning services directly to grantees across the county.
If you’d like to learn more about the Clinic, including what to expect and the agenda, visit: If you’d like meet with Civix grant experts, contact Ted Guillot at [email protected] and learn more at